Don’t Give Fear the Throne

Fear has a way of sneaking in and taking authority where it doesn’t belong. It can slowly creep into our minds, wrap itself around our hearts, and whisper lies about our future, our worth, and our God. If we’re not careful, we let fear take the throne of our lives—giving it control and power it was never meant to have.

But here’s the truth: fear is not from God.

“God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.” — 2 Timothy 1:7

Fear is one of the enemy’s most powerful tools. I often think of fear as the master spirit Satan uses to manipulate people and keep them from God’s will. It’s effective because it reduces our view of God—convincing us that the unknown is bigger than the God who knows all things.

God wants us to walk by faith; the enemy wants us to walk by fear. Fear keeps us paralyzed, enslaved, and tormented.

Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:12 that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the “spiritual forces of evil.” Fear is not just an emotion—it’s a spirit we can fight against. It is not part of us. It’s an intruder that we have the power, through Christ, to overcome.

Lately, I’ve experienced fear in ways I never have before—fear of the future, of everything I cannot control. And as I wrestled with it, I realized something uncomfortable: I had given fear the throne of my life. I let it call the shots, determine my peace, and cloud my faith.

This is irrational when I stop and consider who God is:

  • The God who is on my side.

  • The God who holds the future in His hands.

  • The God whose heart is good and whose arms are strong.

When I’ve climbed rock walls for years, I learned to face fear, calm myself, and push through with trust and confidence. But this fear—the fear of the future—is different. It’s deeper, and I’ve realized the only way to overcome it is to let God take the throne instead.

Fear of the future might be one of the hardest fears to face because it thrives on the unknown. The future holds the potential for every fear we carry to become real. And because we can’t predict or control it, we begin to obsess over it.

Humanity has been like this for centuries. We’ve tried to manipulate, predict, and control what comes next, but all it does is leave us weary and empty.

The truth is, we were never meant to carry the burden of knowing and controlling the future.

“Instead of fearing what the future holds, we can trust the God who holds the future.”

God is from everlasting to everlasting (Psalm 90:2). He knows the end from the beginning. He promises that He will never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). While we don’t know what tomorrow holds, we can rest in the One who does.

One of the deepest fears we carry is the fear of being alone. Loneliness feels overwhelming—when we lose loved ones, when relationships shift, or when the seat beside us remains empty. It raises a desperate question: Is there anyone who will stay with me?

The answer is yes.

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” — Matthew 28:20

From the very beginning, God’s desire has been to be with His people. He walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden. When sin separated us from Him, He made a promise that it wouldn’t always be that way.

When the time was right, Jesus came—born of Mary—called Immanuel, meaning “God with us” (Matthew 1:23).

And today, through the Holy Spirit, Jesus is still with us. His Spirit dwells in our hearts, comforting us, guiding us, and giving us peace that surpasses understanding.

The key to overcoming fear is not found in trying to control the future. It’s not even in trying to be brave or strong on our own. The key is to let God’s perfect love cast out every fear.

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” — 1 John 4:18

When fear whispers lies, God’s love reminds us of truth:

  • You are not alone.

  • God is in control.

  • He is good.

  • He is for you.

  • His plans are better than yours.

I have decided I want to be fear’s worst enemy. I want to live a life so full of trust in the Lord that the enemy trembles at my faith. I want the enemy to see how strong my God is, how unshakable my trust is, and how God is using me for His purposes.

Fear may come knocking, but it doesn’t get to sit on the throne. That place belongs to Jesus.

If fear has taken hold of your heart, there’s a better way forward. It’s not a life of worry or striving but a life of trust and surrender. God is calling you to:

  1. Take fear off the throne.
    Choose to trust God’s promises over the lies of fear.

  2. Rest in His presence.
    He is with you. Always. You are never alone.

  3. Replace fear with faith.
    Ask the Holy Spirit for strength to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).

  4. Declare God’s truth.
    Remind yourself of Scriptures like 2 Timothy 1:7—God has given you power, love, and a sound mind.

“Lord, I refuse to give fear authority in my life. I know You are on the throne, and I choose to trust You. Help me to rest in Your promises and remind me that You hold the future. Replace my fear with Your peace, and let my faith be so strong that the enemy trembles. You are enough, Lord, and I will praise You in the unknown. Amen.”

Take heart, friend. The God who holds the universe also holds your future. Don’t give fear the throne—let God reign instead.


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