When God Takes Us Through Disappointment

Disappointment is not easy to face. It comes in many forms—failed relationships, postponed opportunities, unmet expectations, and broken dreams. As a new college student, I’ve experienced more than my share of discouraging moments. There have been times when it felt like everything I had planned crumbled right before my eyes. And in my frustration, I’ve found myself disappointed with God.

How could I be disappointed with the King of Kings? How could I lose trust in the One who has proven faithful time and time again? I’m learning that even in my hurt, God meets me in my brokenness. And He doesn’t waste a single moment of disappointment.

When the Lord allows us to face discouraging circumstances, He has a purpose behind it. God takes us through the valley of experiences for a reason—one we often can’t see in the moment.

Joseph’s story in Genesis is a beautiful example of this truth. Joseph held so much potential. He was full of dreams and plans for his life, but his path was filled with betrayal, pits, and prison cells. His own brothers sold him into slavery. He was falsely accused and left to rot in prison.

It wasn’t what Joseph planned. But even then, God’s design was greater.

“You planned evil against me; God planned it for good to bring about the present result—the survival of many people.”Genesis 50:20

The Lord used Joseph’s brokenness and disappointment for good and for His glory. What others meant for harm, God turned into a testimony. And through it all, Joseph’s heart remained more aware of God’s purpose than his circumstances.

Like Joseph, we may hold dreams that don’t align with reality. We may have plans that get derailed and hopes that seem to shatter. But while our best-laid plans waver, God’s plans never falter.

“A person’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.”Proverbs 16:9

For the perfectionist in me, disappointment is God asking whether my confidence lies in my own abilities or in His sufficiency.
For the dreamer in me, disappointment is God asking whether my dream has become bigger than Him.
For the planner in me, disappointment is God asking whether I’m charting my own course or allowing Him to guide me.

Disappointment exposes where our trust truly lies. It’s a place where God invites us to let go of control and surrender to His perfect plan.

When God asks us to wait or allows us to face closed doors, what do we do?

  • Are we willing to serve Him even if He doesn’t do what we want?

  • Are we willing to follow Him even if our circumstances are unpleasant?

God is calling us to faithfulness in new ways. He is using disappointment to train us, refine us, and prepare us for what’s next. This season isn’t wasted. It’s a training ground for greater obedience and trust.

“In the same way I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born,” says the Lord.Isaiah 66:9

Disappointment, though painful, is often a doorway to greater faith. It’s an opportunity to grow, to trust, and to realign our hearts with God’s.

God is not surprised by our circumstances. He is sovereign over every situation, even the ones that break our hearts.

  • When a relationship fails.

  • When a door shuts unexpectedly.

  • When a dream is postponed or redirected.

He sees the big picture. He knows the beginning and the end. He is working all things together for good (Romans 8:28). Even when we can’t understand, we can trust that He is still on the throne.

“The Lord of Armies himself has planned it; therefore, who can stand in its way? It is his hand that is outstretched, so who can turn it back?”Isaiah 14:27

I won’t pretend this is easy. When I face disappointment after disappointment, I often want to take life into my own hands. But the truth is, my ways are limited, flawed, and temporary. His ways are higher.

Yes, it wasn’t what I planned. But I would rather follow God’s plan than any plan I could ever write. I would rather live in a way that pleases Him than demand that He please me.

  • I want the Bible to inform my journey more than my own desires.

  • I want to surrender my broken dreams and allow Him to fix what’s in me before fixing what’s around me.

  • I want to be ready when He calls, promotes, or opens the next door.

God doesn’t just work in our victories; He works in our brokenness. He takes our failures, our inconsistencies, and our disappointments and turns them into something remarkable. So remarkable, in fact, that He alone gets the glory.

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”Psalm 147:3

Friend, don’t yield to disappointment. Don’t let discouragement have the final say. God is faithful. He deserves our allegiance, even in seasons of uncertainty.

“Lord, I keep facing disappointment after disappointment. I’m hurting, frustrated, and unsure of what to do next. Forgive me for trying to take control when I should be trusting You. Teach me to rely on You, to surrender to Your plans, and to praise You even in the valley. You are sovereign over every situation, and I trust You. Help me to honor You with my thoughts, my emotions, and my actions today. I know You are working for my good, even when I can’t see it. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Amen.”

Disappointment will come, but it doesn’t have to defeat you. Trust in the One who is sovereign over all. Fix your eyes on Jesus, who weeps with you and walks with you through every valley. Let Him use this season to deepen your faith, refine your heart, and prepare you for the remarkable plans He has in store.

It wasn’t what you planned, but God’s plan is always better. Trust Him. He is faithful.


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